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Social Evenings

The Pennine Railway Society holds social evenings at Doncaster Town Fields Sports Club, Bennetthorpe, Doncaster on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Meetings usually consist of a slide or digital image show, presented by an invited guest or one of the club members. Directions to the venue can be found here.

Meetings are held in a private room off the main bar area. The bar serves a range of beers, soft drinks and tea/coffee. Access to all facilities is level and on the ground floor. The club is open from 5pm in the evening and closes at 10pm.

Please gather from 7pm onwards, the shows start promptly at 7.30pm.  We have a break midway through and the show will usually finish by 9.30pm after which we draw the raffle. Social evenings are open to non-members who will be assured of a friendly welcome.  Reviews of previous social evenings can be found here.

DatePresenter and title of presentation
18/12/24Members Slides at Christmas
15/01/25AGM followed by Tony Caddick - 'More Scanned Memories'
05/02/25Rob Hay - 'Multitude of Colour'
19/02/25Bob Gellatly - 'The South Yorkshire Joint Railway Part 1 - Brancliffe Junction to Maltby'
05/03/25Paul Chancellor - 'A Twelfth Colour-Rail Journey'
19/03/25Richard Tuplin - 'The ECML (and other places) In the 1950s - The Brian Morrison Collection'
02/04/25Bryan Johnson - 'Travels with a Swiss Rail Pass 2023 Part 2'
16/04/25Robert Pritchard - 'My Review of 2024'
07/05/25Tom Ingall - 'The Cable Cars of San Francisco'
21/05/25Chris Theaker - 'Loco Hauled Trains and Light Rail in the British Isles and Europe. An old fashioned slide show of vintage traction'.
04/06/25Andrew Shenton - 'Dawn to Dusk - A Creative Railway Photography Journey around Britain'
18/06/25Graham Lightfoot - 'Colorado Railroads, then and now'

ZOOM meetings are also held once a quarter. Please email Robin Skinner for an email invitation if you have not already done so. You can 'join' the meeting from 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start.

DatePresenter and title of presentation
29/01/25Geoff Griffiths - 'Plus 10 Divided by 25!'
30/04/25Robin Patrick - 'The Pictures of Robin Patrick'